Corona Chronicles: 01/18/21

On this day, we typically honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a day of service. My local union provides a plethora of service opportunities and calls it “a day on, not a day off.”

I did nothing of the sort. The closest I came to service was fixing my kids plates for dinner. That’s not exactly true. I got a few things done today that I have been putting off all week. I also left a few things undone that have been on my calendar for a few days.

My son got to leave the house over the three-day weekend. Normally, he barely leaves the bedroom. I was glad that he got to see his friends. I was even more glad that he took a break from those video games.

The big kid is stressing over finals. She’s eating up all that snacks and worrying about group projects. God bless her. If given the choice between sudden death and reliving high school, I’d seriously have to think about it. She seems to be handling it better than I did.

The youngest is frustrated with not leaving the house, so she’s been walking around here with a full face of makeup on, and wearing high heels. Now, when it’s time for Zoom calls in the morning, I’m sure she’s just going to just wear her pajamas. sadly, I will probably allow it.

All in all, we enjoyed our three-day weekend. I don’t think any of us are looking forward to going back to school/work tomorrow.

Hope you all have a great week!