Corona Chronicles: 08/08/2022

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming!

It’s been about three weeks since I talked to you last, and we have crammed a lot of life into those three weeks. Let me give you the Cliff’s Notes version. (Thank God for Cliff’s Notes.) So since July 15, my family caught and recovered from Covid. We celebrated my son’s 12th birthday. My big kid signed her first contract. My husband and I celebrated 20 years of marital bliss, and I got my passport stamped for the first time.

Covid was terrible. 0/10 Would not recommend. We were not able to trace the origins of the infection, and we hope that we didn’t inadvertently spread the virus to anybody else. Please do what you can to protect yourselves and your loved ones.

We are currently preparing for school to start next week. I want the kids to wear masks, but I think I will leave it up to them. I believe in bodily autonomy, so I’m going to try to model that for them. It is my hope that they make good decisions. As for me, I’ll be wearing a mask most of the time.

Over the three weeks, I only tried one new recipe, the Mississippi pot roast. It was delicious, I remixed it later in the week to make roast beef sandwiches. So if you’re one of those people who like remix meals, I’d definitely give this one a try.

That’s it. I’m going to try to get back in the habit of daily updates, because I know how much y’all love to hear what the Radical Radfords are up to every day.

IF you’ve got organizational or meal planning tips, feel free to send them my way. I have a feeling this school year is going to be a doozy!