Corona Chronicles: 01/03/22

If i cursed on this platform, today would be the day. It was a very long day, and it is not over yet.

School starts tomorrow, and I am freaking out. Covid is running rampant in KC. Every week for the last month, some family I know has tested positive for the virus. I am praying for their protection and mine. I am praying for teachers and building staff. Lord, help us all.

The baby has been on a roll today, trying to squeeze every last drop out of her winter vacation. So, I spent half my thirty-minute lunch break outside playing in the snow. She also gave me a full makeover.

I over-ambitiously attempted a new recipe with dinner, then attempted to tackle the girls hair. So my living room is a disaster. Everybody is a wide awake. And I still have a face full of makeup.

New Year, same old Radfords.

Good night!

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